Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Arc of the Hill Country's February dance is this Saturday the 21st!!

>> Hello everyone! We are looking forward to seeing you this Saturday! We will have pizza, soda and fun!!
>> We will have a decorating table for the cupcakes and cookies!! Raffle items and super music!
>> The board meeting starts at 4:30, it's open to ALL INTERESTED persons!! That means you!
>> The dance starts at 6:00 pm, until 9pm.
>> Hope to see you there!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Save the date!! February 21, 2015 The Arc of the Hill Country Cupcake City Dance!!

Hello everyone, 
Our February dance is on the 21st,  same place, same time.
We will be decorating cupcakes and cookies!  We'll bring all the  decorating stuff, if you will bring
some cupcakes or cookies.  We should have plenty and then we'll send some home with you!
Our board meeting will be before the dance, at 4:30, dance starts at 6pm.
Hope to see you there!