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Lisa Reddam
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Begin forwarded message:From: Crystal Martin <>
Subject: Special Needs/Challenged Individuals Sports Flyer & Detailed Special Needs Tennis Flyer from Jumbo Evans Sports ParkHi Lisa:Thanks so much for taking my call earlier today.Per our telephone conversation, please find attached the Special Needs STAR Athlete Sports Flyer and a separate Detailed Special Needs STAR Tennis Flyer.We are very excited and are looking forward to offering all of these sports to ALL Special Needs/Challenged Individuals with all disabilities of all ages.Thank you so much for sharing both of the attached documents with each Special Needs/Challenged Individual who are affiliated with the ARC of the Hill Country.Being that each sport is free, we are hoping that each parent/guardian will bring their Special Needs/Challenged Individual out to Jumbo Sports Park to help each of them learn about the different sports.Please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you very much,Crystal Knibbe Martin(Mother of a Special Needs/Challenged Individual)Jumbo Evans Sports ParkSpecial STAR Athlete Sports CoordinatorCell: (210) 844-0325Email: