Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Arc of the Hill Country Dance Nov. 19, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,

As  mentioned in the last email, we are looking for some of you wonderful folks to join our organization!
    We need you to help us make the most opportunities available for our loved ones. Whether it's social, educational,
     or  recreational,  we want every opportunity within reach in our community.   You need not be on the board for this,
     but we are looking for more board members and/ or officers.   

  The board serves for 1 year, up to 3 years for each position.   We generally meet the same day as our dances,
     just a little earlier.  We would want your participation in fundraising events and any seminars we would host.
We have high goals for our loved ones.  One way is the PEACE Program, which is doing great and ready to expand its' growth,
both in participants and activities.  It's  active, fun places  to go during the day, using each participants skills  to the best
of their abilities.  We started out on Tuesday's and Thursday's and have added Wednesday's at McKenna Children's 
    Museum.   Monday's and Friday's are soon to come!
But we need help.  Just a little time from so many could make such a difference.
We have years to go and we know our area is ready for more programs that we want to be a part of.   
    And we want you to be part of it with us!

     I'm attaching The Arc of the Hill Country's registration form and the
PEACE Program application as well.

Hope to see you Saturday at the Pie Swap!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Arc of the Hill Country Info & Save the date!! Nov. 19, 2016

Happy November Everyone!
Soon, we'll be saying Happy New Year!  So get ready!

The end of the year also brings our voting season for The Arc.  It's time to elect and/or reelect our officers and board members.
We ask each member serve one year, and the term limit is 3 years for each position.  

The annual membership dues to The Arc of the Hill Country, allows one vote per family for all positions on the ballot.

Before we get to the voting, we would love to recruit some of you to be on our board!  Run for an officers' position!
Become more  involved and help us help those we love and serve.

We have high goals for our loved ones.  Our PEACE Program is doing great and ready to continue it's growth,
both in participants and activities.  It's an active, fun place to do during the day, using each participants to the best
of their abilities.  
But we need help.  Just a little time from so many could make such a difference.
We have years to go and we know New Braunfels is ready for more programs that we want to be a part of.   

We will talk about this more at the dance in a couple of weeks, so be thinking about it!